Sunday, October 23, 2016

Overseas Pharmaceuticals are Cost-Cut by Americans?

The media often give the impression that drug prices are too high in the U.S., compared to Canada and Europe.
Prices for the same pharmaceuticals are certainly much lower overseas. But pharmaceutical companies there are forced to sell there below true cost.
To do that with foreign governments holding guns to their heads, companies must raise prices in the U.S, to make their profit. Otherwise, no further business can be done.
And if there is no business, no drugs can be produced. A company spends as much as a billion dollars to find and research a new drug before it’s on the market.
Think about this the next time you get a lesson from a politician on the enormous profits drug companies make. Furthermore, if the companies are so profitable, why are not all the experts on Wall Street falling over each other buying drug stocks? You will notice that pharmaceutical securities are not always investor favorites. They are merely politician scapegoats. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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