Sunday, July 31, 2016

Business Ethics in Movies

What Hollywood and other fiction contributors have to say about business and finance unfortunately extend beyond entertainment, They have become ingrained education. A substitute for our formal schooling system which has become an expensive taxpayer and family budget farce.
The media’s subtle hype adds to this imposed fictional education.
What comes out of Hollywood and its fiction is therefore anti-business. It features lawyers, fighting criminal big business executives, on behalf of “little guys.” The templates may vary slightly but the plots are much the same.
Politicians see their opportunity from all this and orate and demagogue and legislate accordingly. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Swiss Health Care

The Swiss health care system is worth noting. The American public can use its example to repair parts of our newly imposed ObamaCare coverage. It’s more efficient and costs less than what we now have.
Under the Swiss plan, everyone is covered by private insurance. There is no government-managed or employer- provided coverage. The poor are assisted in buying the insurance they cannot afford.
Employees under a U.S. plan could receive in cash, tax free, what their employers currently spend on premiums, provided they used the money for insurance on health care. The poor, including past Medicaid recipients, would get government vouchers to buy insurance. There would be no discrimination against anyone on account of existing or past illness.
The plan would not socialize medicine as does ObamaCare. True interstate competition among insurance companies, hospitals, and doctors, would bring costs down over time.
Patients could really choose the best and lowest cost providers on the basis of published outcomes. Insurance companies and providers would bid for clients and customers, as to needs and cost.
The government's role would merely be to oversee transparency, The government would create an information system, with regard to insurance companies and providers. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Gasoline Prices

Gasoline prices are set within OPEC supply controls which adjust to demand. They also are affected by the value of the U.S. dollar, because they’re priced in dollars.

Furthermore, a poor economy, as today’s, reduces demand.
Gas stations actually have little to do with pricing. Stations earn an average between 10 and 15 cents on a gallon. When prices climb, gas stations see their profit margins shrink. In order to remain competitive; they then must earn less per gallon.Their credit card fees are about 2 1⁄2% of all purchases, a significant factor affecting their margins.
Gasoline prices go up faster than they go down. That is the way supply and demand normally influence wholesale and retail gas pricing. Yet gas station operators usually are unfortunately blamed when high gas prices occur. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Climate Change?

The Left would prefer that there be restrictions on industry under the premise of climate change and its control, despite apparent scientific doubts and the uncovering of a scientific hoax. There has been little, if any, real climate change in over fifteen years.
How much has that position to do with actual climate and how much with the gathering of taxes, with which to implement big-government purposes?The main goal is always to control government, to accomplish whatever the Left wants to achieve.
But other so-called international polluters won’t agree to do what the U.S. is asking its citizens to undertake. They say we ought to tighten our pollution belts because of our past industrialization. China and India, are only starting at the industrialization game. They want us to give them some slack.
But China/India are going to pollute hereafter with a
vengeance because their populations and industry are growing much faster.
Apparently our politicians will eventually concede to such Chinese and Indian thinking. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Inevitable Inflation

Fundamentals for massive inflation are in place. Enormous budget deficits and heavy government borrowing to meet unprecedented, massive budget deficits, have done that.
The present economic doldrums, despite what the Washington cheerleaders say, will hold the huge inflationary consequences back only for a while. That is, until the economy recovers a bit more.
Despite occasional reassurances from government
officials, there will be no way to unwind the debt build=up in an acceptable manner. Therefore, real inflation is inevitable
Unless we make huge budgetary cuts, soon. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Buying a Franchise?

Many in the media offer advice on how to buy franchises. This is done for two reasons.
The primary one is to fill space. It’s a winner for getting attention. Lots of folks are interested in entering business for themselves. Give them ideas and make it sound easy,
while reducing disadvantages to a minimum, and you have attracted an audience.
But the second reason is ignorance. The ideas are suggested by those with poor knowledge of practical franchise experience from a franchisee’s viewpoint.
How many tell you how poorly the average franchisee does? How the average franchisee eventually wants out of his or her contract?
Many cost too much at the outset and each year. And fail to provide the promised management assistance. Moreover, in vast instances, franchises offer little name recognition. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Health Care Considerations

The U.S. health care system ought to remain entirely private. No public plan of any sort can be as effective. Changes should still be made with regard to extensive tort reform and arbitration of malpractice claims.
And most importantly, an arrangement, where citizens get to pay for coverage with direct tax-deductible dollars.
If you want some sort of state arrangement of health care for those with no coverage at all, have each state administer its own system. Correctives can then be localized. You can have a central data bank for important medical information, but each state should enforce what it wants for its own citizens. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

True Health Care Cost

The administration has been intent on making the U. S. like the rest of the world when it comes to health care.
Germany leads in universal care. As of a study a few years back, 52% of its employee costs went to government for social services and health care. France was right behind at 49% and Italy at 47%. No significant change has been made to date.
The reason why foreign governments are able to operate within strict health budgets is rationing. Such rationing of services keeps costs within the government-set levels. And the number of doctors supplied for that usage. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Plaintiff Lawyers and InvestmentAdvice

Lawyers often want to become billionaires the easy way. A pathway they can all use, is to sue any financial adviser who makes an honest mistake while advancing advice. That is not allowed in the financial industry according to plaintiff lawyers.
Example: A couple of years back, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled to uphold a lower court’s dismissal of a case against credit agencies who had given securities opinions.
That will set back, at least for a while, the ability of such lawyers who want to become quick billionaires the easy way. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Minimum Wage Delusions

Increasing the minimum wage when jobs are scarce is stupid, yet it is almost an annual campaign idea for certain politicians.
Because research shows minimum wage increases always cost jobs of entry level workers. It is especially criminal to impose higher minimums during a recession. That stymies the possibility of stimulating any increase in job opportunities.
Those at lower levels generally leave for higher wages or get raises with time. It’s usually not the same worker remaining at that level. A fact proponents conveniently overlook. The vast majority of folks do not remain at that level forever.
Moreover, minimum wage increases cost jobs. Employers must think twice in estimating the value and affordability of their workers. Particularly among small businesses who are responsible for the bulk of American employment.
The minimum wage is a ploy of powerful unions whose contracts are then automatically revised up from contracted wage levels. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Windmills and Birds

We know that wind power has to be subsidized by the taxpayers, in the effort of environmentalists who attempt their crackdown on carbon fuels. The same enthusiasts who are gung-ho for inefficient solar power and allied forms of green energy.
But the self-styled environmentalists also love all lower forms of cuddly beings. What then, about the close to 600,000 birds killed each year by the wind farms? (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Entrepreneurs Too Often Fail

Highly creative entrepreneurs often build a business from scratch and do extremely well quickly, expanding rapidly, only to see their business suddenly fail.

There are generally three major reasons for such failure.
One: Many entrepreneurs are poor planners from the start. They often lack an efficient business plan, to guide them in their financial start-up planning.

Two: They lack sufficient funds. Because of poor planning many are in the dark about the amount of capital they will need.
Three: Many entrepreneurs are incapable of managing a rapidly expanding business, or getting an adept manager who can. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Childbirth Health Insurance

A distinction should be made when buying insurance for childbirth costs, that is coverage for a probable event, as opposed to catastrophic, potential events. You buy insurance should you have an automobile accident and not for the purchase of gasoline.
In the same way, you buy health insurance in case you suffer an illness worse than a common cold. If you intend to have several kids, you are not courting serious sickness. You are anticipating probable need. It’s not awaiting an accident or getting chronically ill. Unless childbirth evolves into a medical emergency.
Routine childbirth costs can be reduced under competitive bidding, apart from other, health insurance coverage, at much lower prices than they are today, without government interference. There ought to be means of separating these two, basic kinds of coverage.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)