Monday, October 10, 2016

Measuring the Rich and Poor

There is a big difference between rich and poor groups in the U. S.. However, folks within the actual numbers are not the same each time the statistics are noted.
Individuals move from one category to another within groups. The poor people measured at one time may not be the same that are being counted in the following survey. They may no longer be poor.
Millions keep constantly moving from one income category to another. Thus, you may have been in the poor bracket in the first measurement, but have now moved into to a higher level.
This throws much of political policy into a loop, whenever they talk about handouts for the poor, or the need for a livable wage for the poverty-stricken, or for those earning a minimum wage.
Many conveniently go on the assumption that earnings of those they measure are static. That it’s the same folks entrenched in constant financial mire. And that they need a hand to move out of the poverty group. Most have already left with each measurement.
The truth is, in the U.S. most are moving outward and upward. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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