The Swiss health care system is worth noting. The American public can use its example to replace our imposed ObamaCare coverage.
It’s more efficient and will cost far, far less than what we now have.
Under the Swiss plan, everyone is covered by private insurance. There is no government- managed or employer-provided coverage. The poor are assisted in buying the insurance they cannot afford.
Employees under a U.S. plan could receive in cash, tax free, what their employers currently spend on premiums, provided they used the money for insurance on health care. The poor, including past Medicaid recipients, would get government vouchers to buy insurance. There would be no discrimination against anyone on account of existing or past illness.
And we could finally enjoy cost-reducing tort reform.
The plan would not socialize medicine as does ObamaCare. True interstate competition among insurance companies, hospitals, and doctors, would bring costs down over time.
Patients could really choose the best and lowest cost providers on the basis of published outcomes. Insurance companies and providers would bid for clients and customers, as to needs and cost.
The government's role would merely be to oversee transparency. The government would create an information system, with regard to insurance companies and providers. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)
The poor, including past Medicaid recipients, would get government vouchers to buy insurance. There would be no discrimination against anyone on account of existing or past illness.sign up for obamacare in miami