Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Differentiates Good or Bad Businessmen?

Top-level business executives all have pat answers. These are pretty much all the same. They want the best for customers. They want the best for employees. There are about ten values all CEOs hold important. Repeating them so that they can be memorized by aspiring executives would be foolish. That’s because these stated aims are simplistic.

In my experience, I find there are a few that are so basic they do not require college training or an MBA.

Basically, a top executive always has to be able to focus. One has to set a goal and stick to it. Not having a firm plan with a business budget that guides you and has you adapt to its requirements is a business and executive killer.

I also found that an executive has to be able to micromanage a business while refusing to micromanage, especially as the business grows. (Mull this over!!)

Think of this choice bit of advice. You won’t get it in graduate school.

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