Sunday, September 19, 2010

Politicians With Unrealistic Ideas

Politicians often come up with idiotic schemes during a deep recession. Either they are economic idiots or they think the voters are. So, they bash business because they believe their voters will appreciate the effort.

Result of this perceived populism? More folks lose jobs and less people are employed.

How do you get business in this recessional predicament? Make it more expensive to hire, especially with small business. After all, they may have fewer lobbyists to “pester” politicians.

Raise taxes on the “rich.” Add to paperwork of small business and hang a cloud of future hindrances over entrepreneurs to dampen psychology.

Example: In the most liberal of liberal bastions, New York City, their inept City Council decided to give mandatory sick pay to all, whether small business could afford it or not. If you have over 10 employees you must give 9 sick days, if less than 10 employees,, 5 sick days. Or pay $1,000 fines. So, if you are a small operator, and you cannot afford the added costs, you go out of business. For that burden goes with ever-increasing minimum wages.

Small business is suffering acutely from the Great Recession, so even if they remain in operation, they hire less help.

Yet, everyone on the Left is happy and show voters how they are out to help “workers.”

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