Friday, September 24, 2010

Government Bureaucrats Are Always Clueless

Citizens generally have an incorrect idea that Government bureaucrats, including the Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve head, are really completely “in the know.”

They may know more than 99.9% of the public, but that does not mean they know all it takes to perform an adequate job.

They are merely human. They may have little more information than we. But they may have no more expertise, and far less practical experience than many of us. Many bureaucrats have never had top-level corporate experience..

I know from my business and academic experience and contacts.

Inexperienced, impractical bureaucrats often make mistakes everyday. Unfortunately, they cannot admit flagrant mishaps, for the sake of their jobs, or their political party. So they blame everyone but themselves. Past administrations, the media, and their critics.

They haven’t really a clue,

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