Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Government Inefficiency

Those on the left insist that governments can outperform corrupt “capitalists.” But we have perfect examples of how government  actually manages to handle business.
One example: General Motors decided to close dealerships after the government took it over. Closed dealers contacted their congressmen and senators, and the orders were then mostly rescinded, by such political influence.
Valid business decisions became arbitrary. The exact opposite the administration promised would never happen, when it took over GM control.
Politicians need voters; they cater to voter pressures. That means private industry employees will lose out to political influences.
Business people need profits and do what they must to get them, or they go bankrupt. Bankruptcy resolves problems. Otherwise, difficulties fester for years at taxpayer expense, as they do under government control.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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