Thursday, July 9, 2015

The U.S.A. Provides Major European Defense

The Left in America always wants the U.S. to become more like Europe. That translates as more governmental control of industry and society.
Despite the heavy spending and taxation for European- style socialism, the only real budgetary savings can come
from defense cuts. The Administration and Congress can  give Americans this ultimate touch of Europe by reducing defense expenditures.
You would think overseas citizens would eventually be pleased with this. However, Europeans may not fully realize it, but the more America acts like them, the less secure Europe will be.
Europeans spend very little on defense, compared to the U.S. We are the ones they always have been able to rely on. In other words, we have been paying for much of their defense.
Who will defend Europe if the U.S. cuts its defenses to the bone? The best most of their armed forces can now deliver is meals- on-wheels. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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