Friday, July 31, 2015

Practical Resume Ideas

Make a job application simple and keep it up-to-date as the right job resume is essential.
Employment dates are important, as is your formal education, college or technical schooling. In fact, the latter appears to count importantly on a resume.
Yet, much of what you learn in school is useless for a practical job. Therefore, be sure you are explicit about what you have done to make money for your past employers or how you have been able to help them save money.
Or if you feel you have talents as an organizer, describe what you have accomplished in this type of effort. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Private Jobs Are Better

Private industry jobs are created in response to economic demand, incurred for a need. Such jobs are thus genuine.
Real job growth requires business optimism. With no tax and iffy economic imposts.Training along with payroll expenses make job decisions a long-term investment.
The government can employ people and achieve full employment by drafting every unemployed person. Especially, high-cost, make-work jobs. Federal “stimulus” spending is promoted for its job creation, but that obviously does not “create” jobs.
It usually has a political purpose or helps fund a political party. Government work also absorbs tax money, that could have been used for economically useful job growth. The government uses tax dollars as “stimulus” funds only as it sees politically fit.
The government can help create jobs by cutting taxes. That would make it easier to create business. They can help also by limiting restrictions on terminating employees. The latter would, therefore, more easily get hired by private industry. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tricky Employee/Contractor Regulations

Many newly hired employees want to escape employee payroll taxes just as much as employers do; they prefer being contractors. That is, until they are no longer working and are then seeking unemployment insurance.
So they then complain they never were independent contractors but really employees.
When former “contractors” file for unemployment insurance, the ex-employer has the difficult job proving the employer/employee relationship.
Fact: If the employer owns the tools or equipment and directs the work involved, there is usually an employer/employee connection.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Birds Up Against Wind Power

The administration has extensive plans for wind power to supply 20% of our energy by 2020. Unreported, is the toll it does to the bird population.
The project calls for 186,000 50-story wind turbines to be built in California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, along with about 19,000 high- voltage transmission lines.
With the probable killing of tremendous numbers of birds as a result, to go along with the outlay of huge taxpayer subsidies. All this according to the Nature Conservancy.
Effective energy policy is attainable with a minimal number of atomic energy facilities and other energy sources that don’t harm the environment. And at much lower ongoing cost.
Without the eyesores that will beset the Southwest of the U.S. if the Administration planning comes to fruition. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Scapegoated Credit Card Companies

Bad debts incurred by credit card companies generally run close to 10%. The companies must make up for this, so they attempt to earn fees where they can. If they cannot get repaid by the deadbeats, they will receive it from the many customers who pay their bills on time.
If the business is so great, why aren’t so many more banks running their own cards? Something politicians in Washington who pick on credit card companies, or the media never address. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Cap and Trade: A Rough Tax

Left-leaning politicians never give up trying to impose cap and trade legislation. Those who still believe in global warming science are  true religionists whose God is over-powerful government controls.

Added to entrenched environmental co-religionists are politicos who realize that cap and trade is an instrument for enforcing control and taxation on the population without designating the effort for what it essentially is.
The main problem is the economic damage that will be exacted, though the vast majority of Americans do not want such job-killing legislation.

However, the government is enacting many of these steps without the approval of the electorate, by stealth. It’s weapon is the almost unrestricted use of the Environmental Protection Agency.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Corporations Actually Act As Individuals

The corporation acting as a legal person has been considered valid, as far back as Chief Justice John Marshall’s decision in 1819.
Equal protection laws always applied to corporations in the past. And occurred fairly recently during the nomination and approval of Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor.
In a hearing prior to her approval, Justice Sotomayor remarked that corporations were not people. However the Supreme Court has always held that corporations also had similar broad First Amendment rights. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Definition of an Independent Contractor

Whether you’re an employee or a contractor is a long-running question for many small business individuals. Independent contractor rules are strict.
The subject has become trickier, as the courts are vague and tort lawyers have been given more leeway by judges and juries who know little about business.
The rule of thumb for employers is this: If you control how a worker performs, he or she is an employee, not a contractor. Tell the hired person how and when to report to work and you have an employee, not a contractor. Also, when you provide tools for work, you have an employee. Tricky vagueness comes about when a question arises how important the job is to an employer’s business.
You can be a genuine contractor by all conventional definitions and still be considered by some courts an employee of a business. Sharp lawyers come in to
help make a complaint against the boss and trouble starts. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Now: ObamaCare Types of Student Loans

The government has taken over the student loan business. And it is costly. Furthermore,taxpayers will put up $100 Billion as a start.
The problem here is that private lenders did a better job of evaluating risk and collecting bad debt, than the government. Any estimates of “savings” by the government is a fantasy.
Government figures, for example, never have those the private lenders include, such as two-year college programs with much higher default rates. What is more, the government has a poor service record among student borrowers.
In fact, government proposals are now on the track to eventually
forgive whatever loans students never do pay back.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Change Of Venue Justice

A change of venue is where a trial location is changed in order to prevent possible local prejudice against a defendant. But most judges do not like to offer this request.
However, it’s important for cases in the public eye that a defendant be tried where jurors have not been bombarded with information about the case. And where defendants may be fairly judged on the merits of the case’s arguments. Especially where information comes from populist and perhaps ignorant-of-the- facts media; that may already have prejudged that case.
Basic distrust exists against defendants who happen to be in
finance or business. Most jurors, and judges, harbor innate prejudice against such individuals.
Most jurors simply don’t understand finance or business. They have been influenced by years of populist thought. A change of venue does not help change the harm done by such ignorance, but the change of venue principle is, at least, a step in correcting the system. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Competition from for-profit universities, with curricula more
oriented to job opportunities, has been increasing. Furthermore, the public has noted the tendency for college administrative bloat, Previous college administrations were able to get away with extravagance. They got by and prospered with expansive programs of dubious merit.
Moreover, conventional colleges have been treated royally by the federal government with increased tax law and student loan benefits. No one in official Washington ever calls college bigwigs greedy for their increasing tuition charges and poorer student quality. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Avoid Cap and Trade Action

Those who believe in global warming science are true religionists.
Cap and Trade legislation is stalled but left-leaning politicians never give up trying. Added to them are practical leftists who realize that Cap and Trade is an instrument for enforcing control and taxation on the entire population, though the vast majority of Americans do not want it. The problem is that economic damage will result,

The government is enacting many of these global warming tenets today without the approval of the electorate, by stealth and undercover means. It’s weapon is the almost unrestricted use of the Environmental Protection Agency. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

An Education Bubble Ahead?

Government student loans have enabled colleges to grow even faster over the last decades.
This growth has been great for the schools but the product has simultaneously suffered. America leads the world in mass, not better education. Unfortunately, a bubble is ahead and the result
will not be pretty. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Non- College Careers are an Option

College doesn't make sense for everyone. Some students simply lack the necessary competence, including the ability to carry on fluent conversation. Or write complete sentences. Nor do they have the basic math.
Many others would prefer non-college careers in industry. And are considering whether the expensive conventional college is worth the heavy investment and borrowing.
A century ago, only about 2 percent of American adults graduated from college; college education expanded when the post World War II G.I.Bill financed veterans. But this helped mask the actual need for college, as opposed to other forms of education. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)   

Friday, July 17, 2015

Schools and Their Working Graduates

There has been commentary that it’s no fault of the schools and colleges that graduates are so unprepared for the workplace.
This commentary is understandable when it often comes from the ivory towers of academe. They find nothing wrong with their ability to produce a student who cannot stand on his or her own two feet on Main Street in an emergency, if they have to feed themselves. To make change from a dollar at a cash register, if need be.
I personally ran a business with a payroll of up to 30,000 checks a week. At times I had to set up temporary projects with off-the- street employees, and have them trained within three days. But that was not with the caliber of present-day average school and college graduates.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)