Thursday, July 31, 2014

Government’s Inept Business Management

According to those leaning to the left, government can outperform corrupt “capitalists.”
So we have the perfect example of how government manages..
General Motors decided to close dealerships after the government took it over. Closed dealers contacted their congressmen and senators, and the orders were then mostly rescinded, by political influence. Valid business decisions became arbitrary decisions. The exact opposite the  administration promised would never happen, when it took over GM control.
Politicians need voters; they cater to voter pressures. That means private industry employees will lose out to political influences over time.
Business people need profits and do what they must to get them, or they go bankrupt. Bankruptcy resolves problems. Otherwise those difficulties fester for years at taxpayer expense, as they do under government control.(See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why Politicians Fire Police and Fireman, For Spite

Gutless politicians, who are beholden to government unions for political funding and patronage, have a way of cutting spending.
It’s a favorite resort if you are going to spite those greedy taxpayers who refuse to keep paying salaries and benefits to those who earn more than they do.
The political payback? Lay off or fire the cops and firemen or let the prisoners out of jail.
There are other solution:

In a society where the kids are getting dumber each year and only a third are educationally prepared to go to college, why do average class sizes have to remain at about 20 or so students? The small classes are still not working.
It is beyond me. Why not 40 kids in a class? It was in my youth, and the kids were smarter and better behaved.
And the larger class size with astute teachers would save sufficient educational outlay, while keeping cops, firemen, and criminal vigilance intact.(See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Teaching Ethics in Graduate Schools?

Graduate schools who specialize in high-priced MBAs go out of their way to be politically correct and fashionable. To do so while charging exorbitant fees, they teach ethics.
In fact, the MBA schools are going out of their way to teach ethics in return for the obscenely, unconscionably high tuition they charge.
Why not teach the subject in high school and undergraduate college? It’s too late to bother if the graduate student has to be taught ethics.(See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Illegal Immigration Resolutions and Current Chaos

You find illegals in states such as New Jersey, New York and Illinois, yet not heavily in states that surround them. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri and Michigan, have them, though not heavily. Nor are they heavily populated in North and South Dakota or Montana. You do not find them concentrated in Mississippi. But next door in Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas, there are larger percentages.
Would it be social benefits or schooling or legislation? There must be a particular combination of reasons in those states.
Those reasons can be addressed if the state governments truly wanted to correct them.However, current border disintegration throw all this out the window; chaos is is the new prospect (See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Greece/Europe Finance Problems and a Solution

I know this is not not popular wisdom:  Greek and other European country  bankruptcies would probably be the best solutions for them and their populations, along with the rest of Europe.
It would actually be the best medicine for the world, despite the gloom and doom portents being given. The pain would be severe but short lived. Not much more than what is still festering after  current efforts.
The result would have been the lesson,  that you cannot avoid living forever on air or the productive energy of other taxpayers. Debtors would learn to tighten their belts today, not down the road, tomorrow.
Bailouts always fail except for politicians in office who keep kicking the solution can down that road.(See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Media Failure With Basic Economics

The Dow Jones Economic Sentiment Indicator tries to gauge the U.S. economy by weighing the balance of sentiment in articles published by fifteen major American newspapers. The Indicator analyzes published stories. They look for key words that indicate changes in economic sentiment.
Journalism schools do not teach enough economics; if they have any real economic study at all. Because that would entail a balance of conservative as well as liberal thinking on the subject. The results of the work of their graduates show a deficiency.
About 50,000 newspaper journalists work in the U.S., with thousands of published articles daily, Economics are integral to the news, particularly finance and its relation to politics.
Unfortunately, schools do not teach news balance. Journalists do not know enough to screen what has and has not worked economically in the past. And to avoid passing along political nonsense without critical oversight. (See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Government Spending and Private Industry Jobs

Unfortunately, government spending does not produce private industry jobs.

It has become a mantra of the left and the Administration. It is Keynes Economics 101. It's repeated over and over. It does not work. It did not work during the Great Depression. It did not work for  stimulus efforts and all other allied spending programs. It certainly did not work for Greece and other failed economies, present and in the past.
But because the concept appeals to the lowest mentalities with no idea of the past, those who also vote, the lame mantra happens to be an extremely useful political tool.
So supposedly intellectual politicians continue to pontificate the mantra over and over, in an attempt to get reelected again and again.(See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Taxation For Social Justice?

Taxes imposed today are not really used to get optimal revenues for the government. They’re used by politicians to get at the so-called rich.
Take the estate tax as an example. The rich use foundations as an escape. But the estate tax is really a means of making it appear the government is evening out the playing field of the economy. 

The tax produces only about $10 billion or so in revenue for the federal tax maw. But it helps the politicians give an appearance it’s for the little guy. Yet, it sees to it that family businesses and farms tend to be sold out to big business to pay the penalties. And it sells lots of life policies to meet the tab, for the insurance giants' gain. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at twitter.)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

College is No Job Guarantee

Why the vast majority of folks believe that college education will guarantee a job
is a myth that keeps its life only because of ignorance among the would-be educated.

There’s absolutely no assurance that a college course will prepare you for the basics of a job unless that job calls for a very specific skill taught in schools, such as high technology, medicine and science.
A so-called liberal arts education you can pick up on your own investigations in the library or the internet does not require a degree, nor does it assure the wherewithal to fulfill employer needs. (See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at twitter.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Responsibility For The 2008 Financial Meltdown


A book has documented what many observers and I have been saying for the past several years, to overcome the drivel on the perceived story behind the financial meltdown of 2008, that the left, abetted by the conventional media, blamed on “greedy” bankers.
A recap is periodically necessary.
Ironically, the left who were chiefly responsible for the financial meltdown, were able to further legislate their failed regulation into the even more questionable, flawed Dodd-Frank Act, naming the bill after two of the legislative actors responsible for the original debacle.
Surprisingly, the book is from a long-time New York Times reporter, Gretchen Morgenson, and the financial analyst, Joshua Rosner, and is titled "Reckless Endangerment." The Times represents the media friendly to the left-leaning sentiment that has permeated the thinking on the subject.
Morgenson and Rosner have offered critiques of  all the participants in the financial mess; the rating agencies, investment bankers, real estate brokers, etc.
However, with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and to their political benefactors, mostly liberal Democrat politicians and organizations, the incentives were always there for more mortgage production, more insider profits, and more party campaign contributions.
The warning signs were there. The admonitions for caution were there. Key members of Congress were in the forefront of waiving off disciplinary warnings.
With a couple of prominent exceptions, the politicians were Democrats claiming to do good for the poor. The supposed idea was to give homes to the poor but the rich got much richer, while the poor couldn’t even afford what homes they got for so little.
Along the way, insiders enriched themselves and their friends, stuffed campaign coffers, and resisted all attempts to enforce market discipline. When the inevitable collapse arrived, the entire economy suffered, (See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Business Men or Stock Traders?

The media glorifies many rich business men and women, as business gurus because they happen to have made billions in business. Yet these folks have never really operated a business.
They may have started a business for which they received stock certificates that have become very valuable. But they have never run a business.
The public is duped once they see so much wealth. I find there is a difference.

Yes, some actually have run businesses. Sam Walton who originated Walmart,was one; people who opened up and closed the premises, and who did the hiring and made up the payroll.
If you oversee just the stock price, and merge companies, and buy others, you are a different sort of business person. The public too often makes no distinction, yet hands out the same plaudits. (See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Problems With Mergers and Acquisitions

When corporations announce mergers or acquisitions they give the
reasons why there is the premium invariably paid by the acquirer to shareholders of the company being acquired.
After all, there has to be an incentive to sell the business. And sometimes, that premium of the targeted company’s book or operating value can be quite high, well above current market pricing.
One of the main reasons often given for this premium is the alleged value of synergy. That is, the innate benefits to be derived from having the deal. However, studies show that synergy frequently is not as beneficial as it’s made out to be. Problems always arise where unexpected from merging staffs and personalities. And they may not be easily minimized.
It’s difficult to determine who really gets the benefit. Deals are usually done too fast, and far too often merely for CEO ego satisfaction. (See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole tweets.)