Anti-business sentiment in government which goes out of its way to look for evil that exists in business, as if it’s exclusive solely to business, has come up with the successor to sliced bread as a panacea for what ails society. Whistle-blower laws have made a bounty available to employees who can sniff out dirt on their employers, then quit, and go running to the regulators.
It also helps plaintiff lawyers add to billions in fees.
A top executive cannot discover problems down the line in a giant operation, unless employees report back to him. Accordingly, those report problems can be immediately corrected.
But with the whistle-blowing bounties guaranteed by government law, the employee instead of reporting to a boss, heads off to the regulators and lawyers, where the opportunity for tremendous, jackpot payoffs are possible.
It’s becoming tougher to be a top executive when anti- business politicians are happy to sue or criminalize employers in class warfare campaigns.
You don’t run a successful business when spies are lurking to allege crimes that may be mythical, but still are personally and corporately damaging.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)