the recent Japanese problem which is unique because of location,
nuclear power is still an option.
expensive to build a nuclear power plant, but atomic power is cheaper
to produce once the plant is built. And the taxpayers do not have to
constantly subsidize operations as they do with alternative “green”
energy sources, such as wind and solar power.
It took a tsunami plus an earthquake to cause the century-rare damage that occurred in Japan. This can be easily avoided here.
waste can be used so that it is minimized. We have a vast mountain in
Nevada to store what little there is. The bulk of French electric
power comes from atomic source. They store their relatively little
waste in one room in a small town.
prove a passenger jet at full speed could not dent the walls of an
atomic installation. Only past misconceptions cause prejudice that
prevails against atomic power, particularly on the political Left.
(See the Earl J Weinreb NewsHole® comments.)