Sunday, August 1, 2010

Creating the Pollution Industry

We have unleashed a useless, expensive pollution industry, including individual retail products that may pollute the environment, not just the nasty stuff from the giants.

But what is the definition of pollution? Is it CO2 gas we exhale with every breath? Is it some chemical that may be toxic? Or is it the latest imagined Pollutant of the Year? These aspects alone are always dubious and controversial.

Example: Dry cleaners now offer “organic” dry cleaning. Did anyone tell them that old fashioned benzene solvent was fundamentally organic? So why bother with this newfangled stuff? (Organic chemistry is built around a benzene template,)

The product pollution industry and its consultants are now a thriving industry. Why?

One: The marketing concept to sell the public on the idea that a company is doing something ”green” for the community and the world.

Two: The protective insurance policy in the event do-gooders sue because they believe you are destroying their planet.

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