Both college and high school educations are not what they once were. College levels especially. You can call it educational devaluation.
When it becomes too easy to enter college you get a diminution of educational principles. Educators dumb down courses, to appeal to a prospective student’s lowest ability.
Also, affirmative action is generally practiced, and not just for conventional minorities. It’s there for any group not equally represented on attendance roles.
Moreover, schools market themselves by appealing to the baser instincts of students. The idea is to fill the rosters by making it easier to attend.
Students, therefore, wind up in the easiest courses, That’s why so many graduates are unable to find real, practical jobs. Or why we have so many with easy-to-get law degrees and so few who are doctors and scientists.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)