The price of oil and other energy products that Americans pay is completely controlled by American will. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans don’t know this and do little about it.
They therefore place the blame on the pricing policy of producers outside American borders.
The truth is, America is awash in its own supplies of oil sources, in addition to other sources of energy. All it needs is oil extraction and refining now, until it can fully develop wind and solar and atom sources, so called renewable resources, and develop them when they make economic sense.
But groups of politicians in America see to it that we do not drill for abundant domestic oil, nor refine it.
The OPEC monopoly should have no affect on America. They can adjust their own supplies at will, to suit whatever pricing OPEC wants. No matter what OPEC does.
OPEC may control oil prices no matter how much America produces by adjusting supply, but U.S. oil makes us independent of oil politics and saves the U.S. dollar from being attacked. It would also create a vast number of American jobs And American foreign policy independence.
America can be rid of economic and international pitfalls with its enormous reserves, were its anti-drilling, anti-refining politicos were amenable.