Surveys at major colleges showed that close to 80% of faculty voted for Democrat John Kerry In 2004, About 1% voted for Ralph Nader, and only 20% voted for President George W. Bush. Social science professors, gave Ralph Nader about 20% of the 2004 vote, as large as that for President George W. Bush.
This indicates the imbalance you get from those teaching college kids. But it gets more slanted when the study delves into specific areas.
Liberals outnumber conservatives by 11-1 among social scientists and 13-1 among humanities professors. As many as 25% of those who teach sociology actually consider themselves Marxist.
At major graduate schools offering Ph.Ds, over 60% of faculty are Democrats, 30.% are independents and 10% are Republicans.
This demonstrates the problems in attempting to educate college students, particularly those who become our future teachers, community leaders, and members of the media.
A further surprise to many: Business school professors who are believed to be primarily conservative, actually voted 2-1 for Kerry. Though, my experience on Wall Street indicates that many there tend to be liberal today. This is, of course, contrary to what the media tries to impress on the general public.