The young suffer from unemployment to a far greater degree than the rest of the population. How does government bumble, to make it worse for them?
For one thing, left-leaning politicians raise minimum wages, in federal government and the 10 states where minimum wage levels are higher than federal.
Teen unemployment is about 26%, the worst since World War II, compared to 24% in July of 2009. Black male unemployment is about 50%, up from about 39% in July, 2009.
Union pressures. through the White House and Congress, add to the burden of minimum wages. That is also a significant factor in adding to teen joblessness. Low-rung workers are not directly affected, or even unionized, but union contract wages get adjusted upwards with higher minimum wages. Thus, the logic for union pressure.
So, the cycle of unemployment among the youth will continue as politicians seek favor from ignorant voters.