Monday, August 15, 2016

Politician Lay-Off Tactics

Politicians who are beholden to government unions for political funding and patronage, have a way of cutting spending.
It’s a favorite resort if you are going to spite those greedy taxpayers who refuse to keep paying salaries and benefits to those who earn more than they do.
The political payback device? Lay off or fire the cops and firemen or let the prisoners out of jail.
An alternative: In a society where the kids are getting dumber each year and only a third are educationally prepared to go to college, why do average class sizes have to remain at about 20 or so students? The small classes are still not working. Why not 40 kids in a class? It was in my youth, and the kids were smarter and better behaved.
And the larger class size with astute teachers would save sufficient educational outlay, while keeping cops, firemen, and criminal vigilance intact.(See the Earl J. Weinreb NewsHole® comments and @BusinessNewshole at Twitter.)

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